Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This is the main entrance to my school here, Universita delgi Studi della Tuscia. Campus is great, can't wait to take more pictures of it to help you grasp how beautiful it really is.Yesterday and today have just been orientation and today we met a few local students who are studying English. Tomorrow I start Italian Language courses then all my other classes start on Monday. I can't wait to really grasp the culture here as i get into the schedule of things.

Its only been a few days so I can't really make and solid statements, but here are just a few highlights to update you. I love the size of the city, its small and the walled in part of the city is incredible, every turn I find something new that I love. Getting along great with all the other study abroad students here, looking forward to getting closer to a few and becoming better friends. USAC Staff is great, super welcoming and encouraging. There is an opportunity for me to get involved with the community with kids and local schools teaching English! How awesome. Can't wait to get involved in the community. Learning Italian is going to be hard since German is my other second language, but really excited to learn Italian as well. And the fact the i would love to teach Art History some day in the future knowing the culture and language behind the art will be extremely beneficial.

Looking forward to when Viterbo feels like home in a few months.

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