Monday, February 21, 2011



'We must ascend from virtue to virtue up glorious steps.'

'And men go about admiring the high mountains
and the might waves of the sea
and the wide sweep of rivers
and the sound of the ocean
and the movement of the stars,
but they themselves they abandon.'

Take time to turn around and look at yourself, reflect on who you are/ who you are becoming. A beauty in itself.

Posti e Volti

[places and faces]

What gives a place its culture, its character; a town is painted by the unique colors expresses in every inhabitant ; color of their life, working, with family, love, joy, sadness, and a passion for their home. To the pallet created from the hanging laundry, or the vibrant walls pastel walls, to the contrasting details in the shutters. Family is everything here. Beautifully inspired by such a simple complex we tend to look past in America. Being here, experiencing Italy with a

completely new structure of friendships, a new composition of lives to collage with my own. The most meaningful experiences are defined by those you surround yourself with, conversation surrounding that very moment; a collaboration of elements to create your personal experience that can never be replicated. A moment elegantly defined; molded.

God’s creativity astonishes me. Continually to compelled at every turn, every conversation He highlights such beautiful people in this world. Every new story, new lives spilling into the creation of myself. A life planned with so much uncertainty; a blank canvas. Perception through their lens on life. Sublime. Listening-Learning-Loving-Creating. Inspired. Finding myself in the details of others. How does t

heir heart portray this life? How they love. How they live. How they pursue their passions. Approaching each step with them, our feet finding ground together, we are at the same level. Walking with them hand in hand. Open hearted; open minded. Finding/Observing them at their best. Embrace them when they are fully gripping life.

Searching for one’s self , challenge is essential. Change something. Everything. Comfort hinders my pursuit.

Friendship woven together into a new fabric. Weaving through life/experience. Details of this fabric, in every stitch I have been created.

If life were comfortable and effortless, when would we be given any opportunity to learn? Motivating one’s self to live outside what is simple and expected; you will never cease learning from the unexpected.

This pilgrimage is created by the culture. People who make this experience with their life, their passions, their stories, their joys.

Walking hand in hand with who you are becoming.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Un porto tranquillo in attesa per l'estate il caldo abbraccio

[A quiet harbor in waiting for the summer's warm embrace]

Went to the bus station, pointed on the map, bought a ticket, timidness forced us to get lunch at a unintended pleasant stop in Valentino, easily got back on the bus and heading to the deserted summer town.
Surrounded by the lake, upholding a historical prominent family residence, this town overfills with life in the warmth of June. We arrived on a sunny friday afternoon in February. A bit early, yet best timing ever. The few footsteps of the slow moving locals strolling on their heritage filled streets, while the lake was full with a consistent movement. Parallel and unattended, the sailboats relaxed in the sun light, merely dodging the wake of the ducks grazing the crystal blue water.
Sleeping in the off season, Campodimonte was a wonderful day excursion that I will hold in high regard for the rest of my life.

La città "Morente"

[The Dying City]

Put in my headphones, chose my most recent ear candy, Re:Stacks by Bon Iver, looked past the glass on the fast moving bus to the slow rolling hills of the countryside outside Viterbo. Suddenly I’m hit with the realization that this is real, that I am living in Italy. A smile smothered my face for a while, none noticed, just me and my epiphany. Recapping on my day allowed me to fall into a trance as I sat and stared out the window, just soaking in that I am actually living in this beautiful country of Italy.

Started out a cloudy, misty morning. Woke up early with a lack of motivation, trying to justify why I shouldn’t spend this Saturday exploring an unknown destination. Crammed the Nutella peanut butter sandwich in my mouth, then forced the thick, warm dorm room sink water down , brushed my precious teeth and wandered out my door. Strolling out of the dorm, a new jump overwhelmed my feet and a new excitement pushed me along on my walk to meet my friends before heading to the bus station. Utilizing my time as I waited for them, sitting near the fountain of Porta Florentina, I quickly scribbled some lines to create a personal photograph of how much I love the simple ease of this fountain amidst the ever bustling square. Never-ending flow of shadows and silhouettes cross its path, yet the fountain continues to stand its ground. Teaching me lessons merely through the movement of water reaching every stone and step, bleeding onto surrounding cobblestones to stretch out its arms.

Ticket-less, clueless where to go, what bus to take while not even knowing how to form the words to ask, we pursued with smiles and PB & J’s.

Bagnoregio, the attempt to pronounce bought me my ticket and bite of humiliation. Friendly with an evident age in his expression, yet stern through his strong words, the gentle hands slipped me my ticket under the glass barrier. Hesitation to board the bus? Of course. We jumped right on. Wisped away in the blue force of metal, our eyes met the countryside within minutes. Painted with vineyards, stones in a formation that used to be called homes, white fluffy sheep grazing as they please, rows of trees hovering over a lonely road; reminding me how much I admire the simplicity of the lands vegetation , to the rough, rigid hands that tenderly and faithfully create/enrich its life. Gazing into the distance, I decide to come back to the real world where I notice a town carved into the hills, this must be our days destination. Our blue chariot ceases to continue, assuming its our time to depart its cozy chairs we let our feet follow the pattern of the foreign cobblestones, how could I resist.

Something was weighing on my back, a unknown pressure of elevation reached my ears, abruptly turned to meet this new companion [Hidden behind the buildings, splashed with yellow decorated with complimenting flower pots and maroon shutters]. Distant countryside grabbed me and threw me to the city’s edge, I greeted it with arms wide open. Leaning over the rail we caught a few memories with our plastic devices, those images can’t compare to vivid picture of this moment. We knew there was more though, followed the next alley onto the main road to reach our intended tar

get. Sunlight and shadows highlight our path, here comes the turn, I’m excited. Yes, I’m running. My boots were filled to the top with exhilaration, and my hands were trying to keep up as my fingers reached for the button to take a picture, didn’t match up as well as intended. Narrowing road and expanding sky. Waiting to emb

race that moment of realization [as the cliff to my left disappears while the ‘dying’ city comes alive in the expanse], the moment is here. Did I even embrace it? Turning around to find what I

missed, it was gone.

[this isn't the final piece, just a hint of my vivd expression to my favorite day trip thus far]