[places and faces]
What gives a place its culture, its character; a town is painted by the unique colors expresses in every inhabitant ; color of their life, working, with family, love, joy, sadness, and a passion for their home. To the pallet created from the hanging laundry, or the vibrant walls pastel walls, to the contrasting details in the shutters. Family is everything here. Beautifully inspired by such a simple complex we tend to look past in America. Being here, experiencing Italy with a
completely new structure of friendships, a new composition of lives to collage with my own. The most meaningful experiences are defined by those you surround yourself with, conversation surrounding that very moment; a collaboration of elements to create your personal experience that can never be replicated. A moment elegantly defined; molded.
God’s creativity astonishes me. Continually to compelled at every turn, every conversation He highlights such beautiful people in this world. Every new story, new lives spilling into the creation of myself. A life planned with so much uncertainty; a blank canvas. Perception through their lens on life. Sublime. Listening-Learning-Loving-Creating. Inspired. Finding myself in the details of others. How does t
heir heart portray this life? How they love. How they live. How they pursue their passions. Approaching each step with them, our feet finding ground together, we are at the same level. Walking with them hand in hand. Open hearted; open minded. Finding/Observing them at their best. Embrace them when they are fully gripping life.
Searching for one’s self , challenge is essential. Change something. Everything. Comfort hinders my pursuit.
Friendship woven together into a new fabric. Weaving through life/experience. Details of this fabric, in every stitch I have been created.
If life were comfortable and effortless, when would we be given any opportunity to learn? Motivating one’s self to live outside what is simple and expected; you will never cease learning from the unexpected.
This pilgrimage is created by the culture. People who make this experience with their life, their passions, their stories, their joys.
Walking hand in hand with who you are becoming.
Tam, Again I am so very impressed by your evaluations, your impressions. What a intuned spirit you have to beauty, true beauty....less is more, simple is great, the present and the past collide with meaning for the seeing eye and you have the seeing eye. What a good, good investment this experience has been in your life....Stay smart, joyful, open and connected to the true source of life and beauty within and all around you. You are very sensitive and spiritually intelligent, present!!!