Saturday, May 28, 2011

Benvenuto a mia casa!

Coming home has been a whirlwind of thoughts and faces. But in the midst of my array of feelings, there is one place i found to be home here in Toledo, Ella P. Stewart Academy for Girls. Last fall I started visiting the classroom once or twice a week. I went into mentoring, but i came out of it just gaining beautiful unique friendships. Unique in every smile. These girls make me smile no matter what, I have never felt so loved. In my two weeks home, i went to see them twice, and the first time was a surprise for the girls. That was great, full of tears and joy. One of the more confirming moments in my life.

Thank you Mrs. Hixon and the girls for everything. You have really brought me to a new level of happiness in being home in Toledo. Spending time with you guys is always the highlight of my week, and i have learned so much more about education than i could have ever imagined. I miss you girls already!

Ti amo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ya...Im now a follower! This is just so cool... The picture is wonderful! love it because it shows a lot of things, one in particular though is the happiness you bring to them. So cool...
